This is an intellectual spin off from Emily Goes Blogging. You can find Emily's original blog at

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I recently experienced a life changing event in which I was offered a great new teaching job. I can't tell you how thrilled I am! I feel over the moon with excitement! The past couple weeks I've had the chance to work at my new school, learning about the school culture and being part of the school routines. The school is wonderfully unique and full of exciting people and experiences.

I find myself coming back to the same questions: How could this happen to me? Why would these inspirational teachers and administrators want me, someone who is so boring??

I finally had a revelation. When I was 16, someone who I thought was a close friend, told me how boring she thought I was. This has resonated with ever since then. I keep finding myself in situations doubting my own fun unique perspective because someone from my past told me how boring I was. And to be honest, I still feel tender from an offhand comment that was made years ago. Do I really think I am boring? NO! But just because she thought I was boring, whenever I meet new people, I wonder if they'll find me boring too.

I'm making a declaration here and now to set myself free from the boring label. It's in the past and it doesn't matter to me anymore. I am wonderful as I am and I don't need to make myself something I am not to become unboring to anyone. People need to accept me as I am and if they don't, I don't want them to know my true self!

I hope that anyone reading this can free themselves from any labels that constrain you too!